1-Step Equations, With Whole Numbers - Set 1


Solving an equation means you find the value of the variable. The equations in this problem set have 1 variable being added to a number, such as x + 28 = 36. I will show 2 ways to approach solving these equations. The first way is to take the number being added to the variable and subtract it from both sides of the equal sign, such as x + 28 - 28 = 36 - 28, then simplify, such as x = 8. The second way is to 'count up' from the number with the variable to the number on the other side of the equal sign. As an example, for the equation, x + 28 = 36, you start with the 28 and count to 30 (which is 2), then count to 36 (which is 6, and 2 + 6 = 8, so x = 8).


x + 35 = 42 1 st method: Subtracting 35 from each side of the equal sign, the answer is x = 7. 2nd method: Count up from 35 to 40 (that is 5) and then to 42 (that is 2, and 5 + 2 = 7, so x = 7).

x + 57 = 62 1st method: Subtracting 57 from each side of the equal sign, the answer is x = 5. 2nd method: Count up from 57 to 60 (that is 3) and then to 62 (that is 2, and 3 + 2 = 5, so x = 5.)


For each problem in this problem set, you need to solve each equation, using either method. It is good to be able to readily use each method. Strive to be able to accomplish each problem with ease and then strive for increasing your speed. Good luck and enjoy the challenge!
